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Updated: May 26, 2021

Building a BRAND is not easy. There are a lot of highs and even more lows, but what I know for sure is you have to learn to celebrate the WINS, no matter how small, CELEBRATE! The BRAND Tastetasies has been evolving for over 10 years and I'm finally solidifying myself as a competitor in my craft. I recently applied for some business credit and was denied. I got down on myself because I felt I did everything I was supposed to do. Guess what, that one NO led to two yes's! Leveling up in business requires a solid mind-set and realizing that the secret to your success lies within your daily routines. The mind is considered a muscle and it changes and gets stronger the more you use it. We are surviving through some tough times, the key word surviving, however, we are still here and everyday that we are allowed to open our two eyes is another day to strive to make it better. On my journey I've made plenty of mistakes, but those mistakes are what has lead me to where I am today and boy have I've come along way. As I continue on my journey, here is to all the No's and even more Yes's!


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